2 Kasım 2019 Cumartesi

Unforgiven Be, Poor Spirit

The priettiest of smiles I have known,
The darkest of oaths I have sworn.
No one said "That's not the path to go."
Now, here I stand
A wicked man, as my own foe.
Throughout the years I've rambled
And every day I said to myself:
"Never again shall I ramble."
And I rambled, and I rambled, and I rambled.
Now that I've got no where to hide,
Once again I must throw in the towel
That holds the blood and the tears of many.
Forgive me, for I know not what I do.
Kill me, for I'll do it again.
Burn me eternal,
For he who sinned
Must again
Forgive me not,
For I shall not
Forget the tears
Of those I loved.

But maybe, if sun be bright
And your friends are there,
Find it in your heart to forgive me
For a lifetime I'm spending
In great agony,
And somehow, you know
And you understand.
If not, unforgiven be my poor spirit.

22 Ekim 2019 Salı

He Who Sinned

Sinner man was too sorry to say a word,
His soul was left with a prayer unheard.
So he loved, the sinner man,
So he vanished, the sinner man.
His grave stood colder than a whore's chest, midwinter.
Everybody knows, he had himself no rest, no whisper.
For all he loved, eternal be his flame!

15 Eylül 2019 Pazar

Daim Olan

  İlk kez gittiğim bir barın müdavimiyle tanıştım, herkes onu tanıyordu. Anlattığına göre bir kızı vardı, dünyalar güzeli. Sağ omzunda kızının doğum tarihi yazılıydı. Bira içiyor, geçmişi sorguluyorduk. İçimizde rezil bir huzursuzluk vardı. Sebebini anlamadan çok iyi anlaştık. Söylemeye cesaret edemediğimiz şeyleri söyleyip çaresizliğimizi ve kırıklığımızı anlatıyorduk, koskoca iki adam barın bir köşesinde gözlerimiz dolu, muhabbet ediyorduk. Arada bir gülümsememizin tek sebebi kızına olan sevgisiydi, ancak o vakit de benim yalnızlığımdan, onunsa kızına aşkından gözyaşlarımız kaybolmuyor, akacak gibi oluyor ama akmıyordu. Hiçbir vakit içimden kaybolmayan, sinsi sinsi zayıf anlarımı kollayan o aciz hissiyatı paylaşacağım kişinin, barda öylesine denk gelip muhabbete düştüğüm bir adam olacağını tahmin etmezdim. İkimiz de güzel şeyleri hatırlamakta güçlük çekiyorduk, tek berrak anılarımız, aklımıza geldiğinde kolumuzu, kanadımızı kıran anılardı. Midemizin alabildiği kadar içtik, akacak gözyaşı durmadı. Aramızdaki muhteşem ahengi ve samimiyeti kabullenmiş olacak ki:

  "Biliyor musun," dedi, "Karım, geçen hafta işten geldiğimde kapıyı bana güler yüzle açtı." Ağlamaya başladı.

  Halihazırda bütün kanım çekilmiş, şakaklarıma bir ağrı saplanmış ve ellerim titriyordu, karşımda koskoca aile babasının da yıkıldığını görünce gözyaşlarım akmaya başladı.

  "Ee, ne var bunda?" dedim acı içinde yutkunup, hiç sahip olamayacağım bir şeyin hasedi ve adama olan sempatimle. Birden ağlaması şiddetlendi, biraz sakinleşmesi zaman aldı.

  "Karım ve bir kızım var, hayatımda sahip olabileceğim en değerli varlıklar. Bir erkeğin sahip olabileceği en güzel şeye sahibim, ama ben..." dedi, yutkundu, "Ben takıntılı bir adamım. Düşündüğüm her şey bana durmaksızın acı verir. 34 sene dayandım, yapmadım ama artık duramıyorum, bu düşüncelerle yaşayamıyorum. Dünyanın en güzel iki varlığını koyup gitme isteği yüzünden aynaya bakamıyorum. Başıma gelen en güzel şeyler yüzünden ölemiyorum. Ben kendimi aleve vermek ve bir daha sönmemek istiyorum..."

  Keskin mi keskin bir hançerle dağlandı her bir yanım, o hissi tanıyordum. Sustum, biliyordum teselliler bir kenara, dünyanın altın anahtarı bile üç kuruş fayda etmezdi o hissi kelama dökebilen adama. Sinir hastasıydım. Keder beni epey öfkelendirirdi, kan beynime sıçradı. Sonrası bir öfke nöbetiydi, hatırlamıyorum. Uyandığımda hastanedeydim, ellerim başta olmak üzere, her yanım yara bere içindeydi. "Ben de, sevgili dostum," dedim kendi kendime, "Ben de ölemiyorum..."

  Toparlandım, iki hafta sonra yine aynı bara gittim. Ortalıkta yoktu, endişelenip barmene sordum. "Buradaydı, az önce gitti," dedi, ferahladım. Yine olay çıkarmayacağıma, sinir krizi geçirmeyeceğime ikna etmek zaman aldı. Sonunda soğuk biram geldi masama. Gülümsedim, ikinci kattan aşağı baktım. Atlayamadım.

  Aradan yıllar geçti, bir daha o bara gitmedim. Adını sormayı akıl etmediğim dostumun hâlini vaktini merak ettim ama gidemedim. Hayatta ve güçlü olmasını umdum, zihninin ona her saniye ihanet etmemesini, ölümün kurtuluş olduğu düşüncesinden uzaklaşmasını ve kızıyla karısını çok sevmesini. Ben hâlâ ölemeyen bir adamdım, ya da sürekli ölmeye devam eden. Bıçaklar keskindi, ipler sağlam; ıstırap ölümcüldü, ölüm uzak.

  Zaman keskin kılıcını gezdirirken tenimin her öpülmüş noktasında, yarın umut barındırmıyor, bugün hain, zihin daimdi. Bitmedi.

13 Eylül 2019 Cuma

Bury Me Not Far

This cursed city of mine
Betrayed me not a time.
She filled my belly and fixed me up a bed,
Poured me whiskey and some tears were shed.
My city is my jealous mistress.
I tried to leave her a thousand times
In my pocket, there were a few dimes.
And my soul was innocent
And tomorrow was promising.
I left and she cried
For my sorrows and blues.
She cried since I loved her not,
And none but her would mercy
To whom she longed for.
She called me back home,
I had no other choice.
She made love to me again,
Yet, I betrayed her once more and left.
On a cold night on some lonesome highway,
I stood as a man who had no one
With no place to go,
And not a soul to call.
Upon this merry world,
Not a dime of merriness
Or mercy was upon me.
I laid myself on the grass, at the gas station
And cried.
Lovers, and families and friends
Went by that gas station.
Wish they did not.
A few months passed,
My mistress called
And said: "Come home."
I said: "I have no love for you."
She said: "I know."
I returned to the arms of my mistress.
She never eased the pain,
Yet, she did not kill.
Now that I'm sure my grave
Will be shallow and abrupt,
Bury me not far.

7 Haziran 2019 Cuma

Therefore I Yearn

Honey, keep your body warm
A taste of you I have sworn.
Light a candle and wear your hair loose,
Let me handle the delightful art of seduce.
Don't put on any lipstick, so that
I know exactly when to kiss you
As your lips turn red and you leave me
A drop of fine wine there to taste.
As minutes go by and thy lust grows
So shall mine, due to Merlot I suppose.
I know you'll be in the arms of many
But tonight, I beg you to lie to me
And say "I'll kneel to none but thee."
I'll overlook the stitches on your knee.

6 Haziran 2019 Perşembe


Among the unfaithful and the corrupted,
Burn a decent man once and soon you'll see
What he is actually made of.
Give him a gun and absolute impunity
And see him polish off the world.
Hurt his brother and let them
Pick up your pieces off the sidewalk.
Backbite him and lose your tongue,
Touch his lady and lose your cock.
Just give the gun to the decent man
Who lays his head easy
Once he sends to kingdom come
The twisters and the cheesy.
Let him wipe us all, the wicked,
Off this world that belongs not to us,
The unfaithful, and the corrupted.

3 Haziran 2019 Pazartesi

Some of the Ladies I Recently Knew

  Soothing came the last days of November 2017. It was a little cold, and among the ladies I met, one stood out with her charming attitude and beauty. Came December, I fell for her. I'm not gonna lie, I thought that sunshine walked beside her. It was real disappointing to find out that there was never a sunshine beside her, only a darkness, unholier than the unholy night.

  Then came July, I marched to a city that sleeps not at night with my dreams of staying there for good and leaving all the shit I went through behind. Well, a lady accompanied me. Throughout the dog days, we fucked as if we were not the lovers of many before.

  Came September, I've returned once more to this city of mine, for I've learned yet again, that you can never run from yourself by going distances. Then I met Lady H. She was something. Then I left Lady H. for I knew no good comes from the sweet warmth of a gorgeous lady. Only a sweet taste I could get from her, and she gave it to me with kindness and lust.

  Came January, I met a lady in a black dress. With some blue pills and good fortune, I did what I used to do best and then left her for I was, and still am, a fucked up man with a fucked up mind.

  Came March, I drank more than I should and suddenly made love to a woman I shouldn't have. She said that I was a big mistake. Well, tell me something I don't fucking know. With a whisper she left my side, only to lay herself beside me once again soon after.

  Now there are many more things to tell, but I'm a man with not much patience. Throughout my journey of waiting around to die, damn those days to come when I'm still alive and writing whatever pops into me mind.

9 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

A Shame It Would Be

She who I endeared with all I got
Lend me thine ears!
I never meant to break your heart,
And leave you in tears.
Upon my tongue are the best wishes for you,
Yet I shall not whisper them, for I am due.
Elsewhere must shine thy glamorous body
For in darkness I am, and I'll everlasting be.
Whither thou goest, I'll pardon myself from
For in my heart, thou shalt not again bloom.

4 Nisan 2019 Perşembe

A Fine Commander Commands

Hands shiver not, boys
For sorrowful ballads they will sing
About those who die not in the arms of a mistress
But about those who bled upon the earth.
Miss not your wives, boys
For they will mourn you no more
When this unholy war ends
And they marry handsome lads.
Don't make friends amongst yourselves, boys
For friends ought to smell good
And you shall reek come tomorrow
As dead men with no morrow.
Shut your tired eyes and rest until dawn, boys
And dream about all the things you wish you had
For as sun appears, a bullet will take it all away
There will be no more breakfast come Sunday.
You've been said that you'll be a hero, yet they lied
No hero is remembered less than a fortnight.
On the battlefield, nothing's wrong and nothing's right
For all you'll witness, dying will be a sweet delight.
Keep your head high as you die,
For freedom soon shall bloom upon your tomb.

22 Mart 2019 Cuma

Dreary Eyes Shut

As drunk as her body let her
She laid herself beside me.
I had no idea whether I wanted to fuck her
Or make love to her for her eyes dreary
Made me dream of things I once wished I had.
Her thick lips were as red as it gets
And between those lips, she whispered
A melody of my heart,
With her warm breath, upon my neck.
Not a spot of her body was cold
And her deadly warm hands on my chest
Were there to kill me kindly
As though she was a sweet murderer
Of heartless men like me.
She laid her dreary eyes upon me
And an irresistible yearning took control of me.
The rest is history.
I woke up come morning,
She did not.
No sweet warmth was left for my redemption.
Both our souls were lost that day,
But I kept breathing, somehow.
I still seek desperately for my soul,
Yet, cold I find, or nothing at all.

27 Şubat 2019 Çarşamba

For a Dime of Sanity

  "Top of the morning to ya!" I yelled to none, "To you, too!" yelled none. My sore throat bled like a virgin, smoothly and not much. Lady of the night was mine to touch. Dead to the world she was sleeping, until my tongue came flipping. Poverty of the soul was the reason behind our nudeness, every mortal needs some undressing to richen the poor soul every once in a while. Before none but our mournful bodies, we fed our poor souls again. Our sheet was covered by the outcomes of her body's pleasure, and her body was covered by our never-to-be-born children. Guilt came knocking at her door and she started talking about her boyfriend and what a big mistake I was. Oh, my beautiful young one, when was I ever not a mistake?

  Time flew, our paths crossed once again in the same bed. Our tongues touched one another with fidelity and hunger. Her forearm leaning on the back of my neck made me gasp, yet I kept kissing  those winey lips sweeter than a pie. If I were to breathe my last, I'd like to go choking on her winey lips with relish. She didn't let me die just yet, and took our clothes off in the blink of an eye. Between her legs was a fountain of pleasure already, and god whispered from there. Heaven I found between her legs. She moaned as I wandered around in that heaven and her eyes rolled and her hands pressed hard against my back. Corners of her belly I held tightly and I kissed her neck warmly. Then I took her legs upon my shoulders and grabbed her thighs. She cried her grief out between her legs and so did I, upon her chest soon after. Our sheet was once again covered by the outcomes of her pleasure, and we slept upon her pleasure with a smile on our tired and sweaty faces.

  Came the morning I woke. With a shy face she trembled for me. I did lay myself beside her once again, and left her caress for fed were our souls.

24 Ocak 2019 Perşembe

Storyteller is Due

  This apathy of mine hurts me not
  Bleeds me not, kills me not.
  I can not sigh, I can not care,
  I can not die, I can not repair.
  Be still not my heart,
  For my unholy kingdom falls.
  My castle is torn apart,
  And carries agony in its halls.

23 Ocak 2019 Çarşamba

Seek & Find & Bleed

  "He who belongethe not, seeketh. He who belongethe, bleedeth."
  (he who belongs not, seeks. he who belongs, bleeds.)

  An oath of allegiance to none but six feet under is all that a man can do. Yet, he seeks a home, suffering from the great delusion of mankind, the sense of belonging. So, he who belongs not, seeks. He desperately seeks a place he can call home, and hopefully, finds it. The great delusion of belongingness is nothing but a riddle from the killer himself, the good-old time. And time's merciless riddle's answer is awakening. Awakening to the bitter truth that no man belongs anywhere upon the ground but into the nothingness. Therefore, he who belongs not, starts to bleed. The thought of it is never sweet.

18 Ocak 2019 Cuma

A Poem to My Lady H, For I Yearn

  "I knew that in the time to come, I wouldn't be able to kiss your lips sweet as a starry-eyed daydream for a reason I'd never know why. What I've let me be sickens me, a man of such a sweet, yet lethal sorrow."

  It's been a long time and many a fine lady since the last time I saw you. Our memories come flooding back treacherously every so often. Warmth of your hands wandering along my hair and my back haunts me, as though you moved in my veins and will not leave until you finally block the blood flow to my heart and give me a painful heart-attack. It's pretty hard to confess for a man with such a holier-than-thou attitude like me, but bear in your to-die-for mind that I yearn for you lately and continuously.

  My trembling body to be slaughtered
  For just a kiss upon your smooth thighs
  Or maybe your wise lips
  That call for me not.
  Oh, my sin most holy
  My grave most merry
  My nightmare most fairy
  My decay is your glory.
  Fire all the guns in the world without mercy to me;
  I shall not bleed a drop anyhow, for I bled it all for thee.

Yalancı Siyah

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